BV operates through clear, simple terms. A distinction is made ​​between:  - Transportation in the Netherlands: above the AVC conditions apply     Latest Version  - International transport: this CMR condites last valid     version  - Transport Station: this PostNL applicable shipping terms  - Storage and distribution of goods: For this apply the PT conditions BV is just to take packets held in treatment, the labeling, packaging, content, weight and size to meet, but not in conflict with the specifications listed on this page and terms. For all parcels up to 50 kg weight, this package ensures standard for a maximum € 500.00 against loss and theft. Exception:  - Packages shipped via PostNL  - Packages containing prohibited items (ADR, weapons,     drugs, etc)  - Packages by Customs seized     due to local provisions Provisions:  - Indemnifying the purchase value excluding VAT (must be demonstrably).  - Consequential, packaging costs, late delivery, etc. are not     reimbursed  - The message should writing within 14 days after sending      (email, fax , ticket system)  - Glass, Iron, Liquid, Gold, Money, Securities,      Jewelry and art outside the insurance. It is possible to insure special or expensive goods at. Here the following fees apply: policy costs € 3.50 Premium: € 1.00 per € 1,000.00 to ensure value